In some ways the challenges  involved in personal health risk management are the same as those presented  for death and disability. However here there is another aspect to be considered  . The management of health conditions to maintain another aspect to be considered a financially  feasible/ optimum plan, This includes seeking out the optimum approach to funding health care costs, the most suitable  combination of medical aids, health insurance  etc.,   Increasingly this is being  combined with health cost curtailment  programmes such as a managed health care schemes.

  PREVENTIVE CARE:  There is a growing awareness  of the need to focus on the hesitant to offer cover for preventive issues. Indeed, it is only in the past few years that we have been seen some schemes including  repayments for costs associated  with sterilization or other birth control  measures, even though they were happy to meet  the heavier  costs of child birth. Similarly most of us would not expect to be able to claim the costs of a health club subscription from our  medical aids.
THE ROLE OF FUNDING:  Funding  involves three main areas:
 (1) ENSURING SUFFICIENT   FUNDS FOR APPROPRIATE  MEDICAL ATTENTION: Whilst   the simplest  form of this is a specially  ear-market savings account, the  danger in this approach lies in the possibility  that a fairly  large demand could be placed on the funds, early  on, before sufficient cushion  has been built up. Another issue is the fact that it is generally true the that some people are just ., Unhealthy mainly through genetic causes and for them the cost of funding  adequately could be the prohibitive. The normal solution  to these problems has been in the basic  concept of insurance  as applied in medical aid schemes pooling of the risk and cross-subsidisation.

  (2)  MAINTAINING  A CONTROL ON COSTS:   The system of health  treatment is such that it is sometimes  difficult to ensure that cost increases are genuine. After all without wishing to be disparaging of the medical profession, we find that there is often pressure  on them to make 100% sure that the treatment is totally  successfully  since patients, would otherwise have cause for complaint. There is a also  the simple financial matter that suggests that a practitioner should  seek to get as much out of the patients as possible, “ With the general lack of medical knowledge on the part of the most parents, over treatment is a define possibility  since that the matter is really out of the patient’s  hands and mostly paid for by the medical aid.  In all of this  there is a  need to the maintain  a balance between the care and the cost. For example surgery may be expensive , but if it cures the condition  swiftly and effectively , it may be ultimately  be a better choice than an alternative  prolonged half measure treatment.  However increasing  a new  perspective is being introduced in the so called new generation  medical schemes, where recognition  is given to the fact that there are some procedures where the patient does have control for example whether  to take a  minor ailments to the  doctor or to only for the chemist and so increasingly  the insurance  cover is being  offered only for the more major condition, where the patient is more relient on  the medical practitioner.

 Managed  health care schemes seek to the solve the problem in one of two ways-either through the introductions   of professional checks  by more than one of the practitioner either after than the  treatments or preferably  before or through arrangements  with specific   practitioners a or a group  of practitioners where a flat fee is a negotiated  for treatments  as a whole thereby  putting a the onus on the practitioner to provide the most cost effective treatment  hopefully without sacrificing quality.  (3)  ENSURING POST-RETIREMENT CARE: Most medical expenses are incurred  in the one’s  later year and there is an increasing  realization of the need  for  funding for this . However such funding has an impact on current expendable income. While pre-funding  through has an impact  savings schemes is one consideration another approach largely  confined  to several more advanced countries overseas, is that of frail care, where the individual contributes to a  fund during his or  her working life and in return is guaranteed suitable post retirement care
PERSONAL CHOICE: You should  forget that medical attention is essentially  an intensely personal matter. People become  familiar and comfortable with certain practitioners  whilst it is also  fair to say  that we each have a  different value scale  when it comes to medical expenses. For example  one person may be happy to the pay the higher costs associated with a private ward at a private hospital whereas for another the general ward at a  Government facility  serves the purpose adequately. Whilst this  reality makes it important  to ensure sufficient choice, it is also necessary to ensure that certain people do not abuse any scheme unduly at the expense of others.