Group Life insurance is a comprehensive life insurance  cover that is offered collectively to a group. In this scheme life insurance cover is given to a specified number of persons under a  single contract, and the policy issued is a called the Master Policy. These schemes are generally offered to an employers  to enable him to provide life insurance security to his employees at a cheap cost. To cite from  LIC’s  documentation  of achievements  ‘Tryst with Trust’  there are no records to show  whether any group life insurance scheme was sold by a insurance companies in India before the formations of the Corporations. ‘Tryst with Trust’  further goes to record that the first ever group life insurance scheme in India was the one finalized by the Bombay region of the Corporation in 1957. The first group life insurance policy of India was purchased  by Unichem Laboratories fro a total sum assured of Rs. 1, 82, 000 for the benefit of 122 employee. 

Through individual employees  may receive a certificate from the employer mentioning  one’s inclusion  in the group scheme the parties  and professionals such as a doctors, lawyers, chartered  accountants  at all. Certain specified sections f the society   like co-operative  banks, welfare funds, credit societies  and weaker  sections of society  are also offered group insurance scheme providing uniform  cover the to the members. The basic feature of a group scheme is that as the group is considered as a single  unit, there is no individual underwriting  . On the other hand the underwriting is  a group underwriting. For the purpose of group underwriting  the company that offers the cover consider the insurability  of the entire  group and not that of the individual constituents of the group. Because of this, no individual proposal is received from the group members, and medical examinations is also  dispensed  with.

While considering a group for group insurance cover, the insurer considered the following. Movement  of group members new additions and exits to the group. The homogenous  nature of the group. Insurance cover should be incidental and not the main purpose of the group. As employers- employees   groups generally satisfy the above criteria  in a majority  of cases  group cover is offered  to the employees  of a company. To be eligible as a member was in of a group insurance scheme, the insurer may impose certain conditions. This is to ascertain the insurability of the member. The insurability criteria  may  comprise: Ensuring that the member  was in active  service  at the time of commencement  of risk under the scheme. Ascertaining that the member  had completed a stipulated  period of service with the employers.
 Leave on medical  ground had not exceeded  the stipulated number of days. At its discretion  the insurance company may waive any of the  conditions stipulated above. Once the insurer finds the group an acceptable  one, the group underwriting  exercise begins.. The group is not underwriting for any  unlimited sum. The insurer restrict  the sum assured of the risk  viable limit called  the Free Cover limit (FCL)  or No Evidence Limit. (NEL) . FCL is related  to the size of the group and the average  sum assured arrived on the basis of emoluments. 
When the underwriter decides the FCL as Rs. 5,000, it means that the members could be given group  insurance cover  without any medical examination  up to the that sum assured limit. If a cover is to be given group insurance cover without any medical examinations  up to theat sum assured limit. If a cover is to be given for than the FCL, Then the member may have to produce evidence of good health for the excess  of the sum assured ovre the FCL. The insurer may also impose a limit on the FCL for members  who are aged above a prescribed level. As a majority  of the group life insurance  schemes are based on the One-year Renewable  Group Term Assurance  (OYRGTA) plan, the premium charged is very low, thereby making the scheme appealing. The unique  advantage  of a group  scheme is that even persons  who are impaired and could not be considered for life insurance  under moral plans could be included subject to the member satisfying  certain simple tests of the insurability . An example is the group  insurance  scheme for the visually handicapped launched by LIC in 1991, at Nashik in association  with the National Association

 of the Blind. (NAB)